Wednesday, April 13, 2011

And so it begins...


The world grows ever more connected...

I never thought of myself as a blogger. In many ways, I prefer to lead a private existance. I do not claim to live an extraordinary life, any by the measure of many am just an "ordinary" man.

But, I kind of like it that way.

I live a life of variety, of choice, of happiness.

My past is storied and my future yet to be told. This blog, however, is not  necessarily about "me". Rather my experiences. From those wayward journeys, I have learned many lessons. Lessons I am willing to share.

Here you will find random ramblings on the variety of my existance, and maybe we can all gleam some wisdom from my chocies - both successes and failures - that make it a little easier to not only survive each day, but to live every day.

And so it begins...

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